Topped @ 6 wks, PICS


Active Member
Here are my babies, all four of them. Two are big and bushy and two are skinny and sparse. I am hoping this means I have at least two females. I have heard usually males are a little thinner, true? I topped after about 5 nodes, which should result in multiple colas from what I have read. I plan to veg them for two more weeks then begin to flower. They smell really good. They may have been a little over watered early on but no real damage yet to be seen. Right now they are dry up top and I am letting them soak up the rest of the water at the bottom of the pots before watering again. Also watching plant behavior as a guide to when they will need water again. Hope to have two females and get maybe half pound once everything is said and done.



Active Member
everything looks good except that miricale grow, lol its cool it works as seen but not great i bet you paid 10 bucks for that right? well if you save up 20-25 more you could get the correct nutes. also a half pound is unrealalistic, you should get around 50 grams per plant. i got 45 grams a plant dried on a 250 watt hps for a while now. on 2 month veg 10 week flower.


Active Member
it also seems as if your plants are streching for light now that i look at the pics but your light is right there, how many lumens are you pushing out of that fixture?


Active Member
it also seems as if your plants are streching for light now that i look at the pics but your light is right there, how many lumens are you pushing out of that fixture?
5600 lumens

I don't know what to use for flowering I was thinking a 250 watt hps


Active Member
i wouldn't consider any of those plants "bushy"

and like the last dude said the MG gotta go if u want good results

i would use the 250w HPS over floro's


They look nice, i dont see what the problem is with MG, my friend uses it and his end product is niiice.
Your plant looks nice and healthy so yeh.

Are there any tuts on Topping, i cant seem to find any :/ thanks.


Active Member
They look nice, i dont see what the problem is with MG, my friend uses it and his end product is niiice.
Your plant looks nice and healthy so yeh.

Are there any tuts on Topping, i cant seem to find any :/ thanks.

Yah check out Uncle Ben's topping guide, he says to top after 5 or 6 nodes, the result being four main colas. Tks for backing me up on the MG I think it's fine too. +rep

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
More light! This is fine for now but when you switch to flwr you are wasting your time if you don't have at least a 250w HID on em.

They look like they're already topped? It's not rocket science, just take a pair of scissors and cut em off where you want em. Trust me, they will grow back!

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
No offense intended but your expectations are a bit high, if you're not. If you only have that two tube t-12 fluro, I'm guessing maybe two ounces max. That light is not strong enough to do anything but hit the tops of your plants once they start to grow like a weed again after their topping. Your buds will be airy but that is not to say you can't grow yourself some good weed with that light, you just won't get a good yield or hard nugs. As some astute person on here states, light is the plants food, everything else are supplements. You definately need more light my friend. I have ten plants going, eight females and two I still can't say. I'm using a six hundred watt hid. I can see that is not enough light for ten plants. They are just five weeks old and almost two foot tall and bushy as all get out. Tomorrow starts my first week of flowering, I have a new six hundred watt light sitting in my living room waiting to be installed tomorrow. I started with t-12's, then went to t-5's and cfl's. After wasting much money I now have two six hundred watt lights because I finally got serious. If I'm going to take the risks of growing even one plant, I might as well do it properly.


Active Member
If I'm going to take the risks of growing even one plant, I might as well do it properly.
EXACTLY!!!...I still can't figure out why someone would consider doing a grow half-assed...just to waste time...experiment...

floro's in flower is a no go, unless you want light fluffy buds and no weight...MG is crap, most will agree on this.

I have 4 plants under a 600 HPS and THAT is barely enough since the plants are growing like crazy and bushy as hell.

if you want a good yield you need to get talkin real nutes, good soil, proper lighting.

I think you will be lucky to get an O if that.


Well-Known Member
Yah check out Uncle Ben's topping guide, he says to top after 5 or 6 nodes, the result being four main colas. Tks for backing me up on the MG I think it's fine too. +rep
Its amazes me how people can read his thread and still not understand where to top when its incredibly simple. UB says to top above the second node. I have no idea where you got the idea it was so much higher. If I were you though Id leave the plants as is. Your side branches are already decently developed, so you'd only be hurting yourself if you topped lower.

And like everyone said, invest in some more lighting! Its the most crucial part of your grow.


Active Member
ok everyone thanks for the advice. my set up is working i am going to flower this week under 250 hps. i am adding a carbon scrubber these things are wreaking.


Active Member
Hey everyone hope alls well here's an update on my plants after week 7.

So after 7 full weeks of vegg under (2) 40w floros, I am going into flower with 400w of hps. I installed new light today and got the plants under. I will begin a 12/12 starting tomorrow night.

The grow has been slow but fun. Since I have four plants I am hoping to get two females but I will know soon after they go into flower.

That's all for now happy growing to all and I will be back in a couple weeks with more.



Well-Known Member
Grats on the upgrade. Now get that damned light alot closer. Its too far away. 14-18 inches will be good. Get a oscillating fan to blow upwards towards the canopy and the light. It'll dissipate some of the generated heat allowing the light to be closer than without it.


Active Member
Grats on the upgrade. Now get that damned light alot closer. Its too far away. 14-18 inches will be good. Get a oscillating fan to blow upwards towards the canopy and the light. It'll dissipate some of the generated heat allowing the light to be closer than without it.

Tks for the advice I just put a table under the plants they are about 20 inches from the light now. I don't want to put them too close until I have a fan in there. So ya the light is about 20 inches from the plants now, and they are much happier :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. I hope you have a problem free flowering :)

I just took another look at the pics and they look like they're praying to the lights for more. Ive never seen leaves stick so straight up heh.


Active Member
Sounds good. I hope you have a problem free flowering :)

I just took another look at the pics and they look like they're praying to the lights for more. Ive never seen leaves stick so straight up heh.

Yes I was out of town for thanksgiving and when I got back one of the male plants (so I think) was stretched pretty far toward the lights. The change to hps will help that in a couple days.


New Member
Some advice but before that FUCK THE HATERS dont hate on CFLS and on someone else's grow. Plenty of growers have proven what floros can do and most have done damn well compared to growers using so called big boy lights hids. And before any wise ass decides to tell me to get hids I do use hids so shut the fuck up.
Back to the subject at hand, plants look great, however the light at 20 inches may still be too far. Get the fan in and lower that thing down as close as possible, use the back of your hand to determine if the light will burn the plants. You dont want stretching to be out of control. Also see if you can throw your floro into the mix for a mix spectrum of lighting. Daylight along with hps will yield crystal buds.
Try to get some white wall up to reflect the light that is being absorb by the open wood or insulation.
Also you may want to consider switching to bigger pots to maximize your lighting and grow space, this would slow down your grow because the plant will spread its roots system but will lead to a bigger yeilding plant in the end. If you do that you or if not you could also lst for better results. Your grow has great potential and can yield big if you do it right.
Oh yea, pick up some dolomite lime or some hydrated lime, your going to need it for the ph swing that comes with most miracle grow soils.
Check out mblazes grows with topping and lst. Killer shit with killer yields.